Friday Nights
18H00 - 19H15
Services are held in the main shul and sometimes in the smaller venues. Venues will be indicated in the weekly bulletin. Our services are accompanied by various music ensembles and are followed by a Shabbat meal to which all members and visitors are invited.
There is a children’s service with activities provided by our volunteer youth leaders after which children take part in Kiddush on the bimah where they are blessed by the Rabbi.
(A donation box is placed on each table and we ask that a contribution be made to the meal)
Saturday Mornings 09H30 - 11H00
These services are held the main shul and sometimes in the Gillis Boardroom or our garden. Venues will be indicated in the weekly bulletin. The service is followed by a community kiddush and meal.
(A donation box is placed on each table and we ask that a contribution be made to the meal)

Talmud Study Group
An hour long Talmud study group, led by either our Rabbi or a member of our lay readers group between 12h00 and 13h00. This session is held in the Gillis Boardroom or outside (weather permitting). This group draws knowledgeable enthusiasts, beginners, members and interested community members, which gives rise to fascinating and lively discussion.